If you ever grow tired of the stock images that come with your Twitter Account or are having trouble designing a Twitter Background of your own, check out TweetyGotBack.com. They’re a new Twitter Background service developed by @heathercapri and @wittytwit featuring work from various artists. One featured artists is good friend, Natasha Wescoat who’s sharing some of her very talented artwork (if you haven’t seen it, check it out).
How It Works:
It’s a simple 3-Step process really. You sign in via Twitter oAuth, select a background, and apply your new theme and presto! you have a new smokin’ Twitter Background.
You have a full range of categories to choose from too, like: animals, awareness & support, celebrities, featured artists, holidays, photography, seasons, special occasions, sports and more. Once you’ve selected a theme, you’ll have an option that reads “Apply Theme.” The notification looks something like this:
Simple, easy and like I said, they have some pretty rad themes. Check out Natasha’s if you get a chance too and let her know if your using her artwork.
Thanks for the lovely writeup of our site! And we adore Natasha! We've been fangirls for years, and it's a dream come true to be partnering with her on Tweety Got Back!
It's people like you that keep us going. Thanks for taking the time to write this article about our site. You rock
Heather: It was my pleasure. I love what you've done with the new site and it's great to see some of Natasha's work on there (she does an amazing job).
Rachel: congrats on a job well done to you and Heather both and all of your contributing artists (you've done an amazing job with the site). Thanks for taking the time to stop by and comment
Oooh… I like… will need to check this out when I'm more awake though…
TweetyGotBack is pretty awesome. What they've done is built a platform where people can download a somewhat custom twitter background for their accounts. They've gathered the art from a ton of different artists around the net (Natasha's one of them).
It's perfect for the non-designer who can't design their own background and who doesn't want to use the stock themes that comes with a Twitter account.
Glad you like some of the changes around the site Irina and thanks for the Wibiya tip
Oooh… I like… will need to check this out when I'm more awake though…
TweetyGotBack is pretty awesome. What they've done is built a platform where people can download a somewhat custom twitter background for their accounts. They've gathered the art from a ton of different artists around the net (Natasha's one of them).
It's perfect for the non-designer who can't design their own background and who doesn't want to use the stock themes that comes with a Twitter account.
Glad you like some of the changes around the site Irina and thanks for the Wibiya tip