Is social media a fad, or the biggest shift since the industrial revolution? This video by Erik Qualman, author of “Socialnomics: how social media transforms the way we live and do business” hi-lights some very eye-opening statistics.
“It’s the economy, stupid.” – James Carville, 1992
“It’s a people-driven economy, stupid.” – Erik Qualman, 2009
It's incredible, to me, how much the numbers represented here have changed since its release. If they were staggering in Spring 2009, they are Earth-shattering now. Social Media (such as we know it today) has changed the way we do EVERYTHING. When my 60-plus-year-old in-laws are diving in, you KNOW it's become an integral part of the human consciousness.
It's incredible, to me, how much the numbers represented here have changed since its release. If they were staggering in Spring 2009, they are Earth-shattering now. Social Media (such as we know it today) has changed the way we do EVERYTHING. When my 60-plus-year-old in-laws are diving in, you KNOW it's become an integral part of the human consciousness.