Generally speaking, if you have a goal that you are struggling and trying to achieve, you should share it publicly. This helps hold you accountable. Or at least that’s the general rationale right? You’ve declared your goals to the world, now we all watch as you take the stage and hustle your face off towards accomplishing it. We push you and motivate you until you get there and declare victory!
Well, Derek Sivers argues it a bit differently in this Ted Talk (run time 3:46): (I love Ted Talks remember)
Derek argues that sharing your goals publicly makes them less likely to happen. Why? It’s all psychological… You get the satisfaction of having accomplished the goal without having to put in the actual work. Basically, talking becomes a substitute for doing.
This of course makes me think about the New Year and all of the resolutions we make (to do this or do that). I’ve failed to accomplish some of the goals I’ve declared earlier this year. Could this be the reason why?
What do you think? What are some of your goals for what’s left of 2010 and moving into 2011? Or are you going to keep those to yourself 😉
Although I can see how it would be difficult to argue with hard data – setting goals and letting others know about it REALLY helps me!
I have to tell ya, it helps me too. I can only think of one goal I didn't meet this year, but it wasn't for any of the reasons discussed. Rather, I think priorities changed. For me, sharing them with others helps keep me accountable and I still think a lot of people work well under those circumstances. Maybe not everyone, but hey, to each their own.
Thanks for the comment amigo!
I'll tell you what I'm going to do – I'll keep my mouth shut for a month and see what happens. My business partner might freak out, though.
“Dude, what are you working on?”
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I enjoyed your post. I also wrote about Derek Siver's video a short time ago on
Thanks for creating a very interesting blog
Hi Mary,
Thanks for the comment. Great video and interesting food for thought.
I don’t even know the way I ended up here, but I assumed this post was good.
I don’t realize who you’re however definitely you are going to a famous blogger if you aren’t
already. Cheers!