I’ve been on a bit of a podcast kick lately. See, last night I went to the gym. I found my ipod (finally) and took it with me. When I got there, I turned it on and to my surprise, the audio track was on one of Julien Smith‘s old episodes (from back in 2006; if you’re never listened to it, you should). Anyway, I did a little more digging and saw that I had downloaded some of C.C. Chapman‘s episodes and Mitch Joel‘s as well.
As I work on lining up more interviews for the Internet Marketing Best Practices Series and improving my own style and sound, I thought I’d share some of what I’m listening to while I work on it. I took the bio’s from their description on iTunes. They’re all great shows and well worth listening too! What’s interesting to hear is their different styles (I’m still stuck on how Julien does his, they’re awesome). So without further ado, heres…
5 Podcasts Worth Listening To:
Internet Marketing for Smart People Radio – Subscribe via iTunes | Subscribe via to the RSS Feed – “You don’t have to be a genius to master Internet Marketing. But you’re not dumb enough to fall for that ‘get rich quick’ hype, either. Internet Marketing for Smart People tells you the straight story about marketing online and building an Internet business.”
My Thoughts: Where do you go if you want to learn about Content Marketing and Copywriting? Copyblogger.com of course. They’re the number one source for everything content marketing. Naturally, they have a wicked awesome podcast (tho Brian Clark calls it a “Radio Show”). Whatever you call it, it’s damn good and well worth listening to.
In Over Your Head – Subscribe on iTunes | Subscribe to the RSS Feed – “Navigating the landscape of underground hip hop can be treacherous. ‘It’s not so much keeping it real as keeping it right.’ That’s the direction In Over Your Head’s host Julien Smith steers his show, with hip hop music from Canibus, Soul Position, Immortal Technique, Quasimoto, Bootie Brown and more. It’s underground hip hop and rap at it’s core.”
My Thoughts: This one’s different because it’s not about business or marketing. Still, Julien’s one wickedly smart dude and I love his style. Sure he hasn’t published since ’09 but it’s still cool through dig through the archives and listen through some of these episodes. And well, if you’re into hip hop, you’ll love some of his choice of tunes.
Marketing Over Coffee – Subscribe via iTunes | Subscribe to the RSS Feed – “Marketing over coffee is a weekly discussion of what’s new in marketing with John Wall and Christopher Penn.”
My Thoughts: I’ve only just started listening to this one but these guys are on top of their game. Casual, informative, and fun episodes to listen to if you’re trying to stay on top of your game in the social media space.
Six Pixels of Separation – Subscribe via iTunes | Subscribe to the RSS Feed – “Six Pixels of Separation – The Twist Image Blog is marketing and communications insights from the edge. Mitch Joel will unravel the complex world of new marketing and social media with the perspective of a digital marketing agency based in Canada. Join the digital marketing conversation. Take part in the new marketing discussion. Stay tuned to see how this interactive agency in Canada is making a digital difference. While marketers still struggle to understand online marketing, an entirely new generation of marketing opportunities is already taking place and they’re being created by your customers. The Twist Image blog is here for all of your digital marketing adventures.”
My Thoughts: He has a blog, a podcast, and a book all under the name “Six Pixels of Separation” – talk about great (consistent) branding! Mitch has done a great job producing thought-provoking content through a lot of his episodes. It’s not a podcast about how to do social media. Rather, Mitch challenges your way of thinking about the web and that’s what I respect about his episodes. Read the blog… Read the book… And listen to the podcast!
Managing the Gray – Subscribe via iTunes | Subscribe to the RSS Feed – “New Media and marketing podcast teaching you how to survive in this changing world. Weekly tips, insights and interviews on how you and your business can embrace the world of new marketing and advertising.Engage the evolution with your Boston based host C.C. Chapman.”
My Thoughts: I recently interviewed C.C. for my Internet Marketing Best Practices Series and I stumbled across one of his episodes that I downloaded a while ago. C.C. is also one of people I respect as a thought leader in the new media space. If you’ve ever heard him speak, you know he’s passionate about what he does so listening to this podcast is refreshing and energizing.
These are just a few of the ones that I’m listening to. I have a daily commute to work so loading them up on the drive home makes for a more interesting drive home (besides, Julien plays some pretty bad ass music in his episodes). I’m also loading these up when I go to the gym (that and “Eye of the Tiger”, heh)…
Any YOU Recommend?
Are they any podcasts that you listen to and/or recommend? Have you heard any of these?
P.S. I have some pretty awesome interviews lined up for the Internet Marketing Best Practices Series, so stay tuned… (I’ll have a custom intro/outro and a subscription to iTunes set up next week).
Hey Riccardo!
Great list.
I'm a huge fan of @Jason's ThisWeekIn.
This Week In Startups and This Week In Social Media are wonderful podcasts I would strongly consider checking out.
In the mean time I'm off to subscribe to some of these podcasts!
Great recommendations Kenny! Can't believe I forgot about those
I'm confident you'll enjoy the one's listed here. Julien's is a bit different (lot's of music), but I love his style.
Thanks for the tip and for the comment!
Marketing over Coffee and Managing the Grey are the only two I've not started following. I'll check them out.
The Copyblogger one is tops! Bruce and Brian make such a good combo.
Hey Martyn,
C.C. And Christpher Penn are both pretty solid, I hope you'll find some episodes to enjoy.
As for Brian and the new IMFSP Radio, it's nice to have some solid audio content added to their mix. Copyblogger is a daily read for me, being able to listen to an audio podcast in the background while getting some work done is pretty neat.
Very kind of you to mention my Podcast – thank you!
My pleasure Joel! Just listened to episode 1 and your latest yesterday. Was fun to see (or rather hear) how it's all come together since that first take
Ricardo, thank you for sharing the list. The only one I've heard is the Copyblogger one, but I will check out the others. If you haven't heard it, you should check out the Joel Comm Show. He's got some pretty great books, too.
Ah, haven't heard of that one so I'll check it out (the books too; so far I have the whole book-a-week down). Julien's is different, not exactly straight business but I love his style and it's good! The others make for some good listening too (I spend a lot of time on the road so I've cut out music in exchange for these, heh).
P.S. I have some good episodes (interviews) lined up for the podcast around here as well: https://www.ricardobueno.com/ca… so let me know what you think
Thanks for the shoutout for MoC!
Thanks for having an awesome Podcast!
Great recommendations here, Ricardo! I’ll have to devote some time to checking these out.