Over on Agent Genius, there’s a good discussion going on about whether blogging is dead or alive (it’s an interesting read and so are the comments). Ultimately, I’m of the opinion that you get what you put in. You can’t expect to write two posts per month and rank as the number one search result for “Your City’s Name Real Estate.” Google “Long Beach Real Estate” and the number one search results in a field of ~31,100,000 results belongs to Real Estate Blogger Laurie Manny (may she rest in peace).
In the end, consistency counts. And of course a little bit of know-how and strategy goes a long way too. If you’re in it for the short-term and you think this is the ultimately solution to your lead generation problems, you can forget it. Blogging and social media shouldn’t be your marketing strategy, instead, they should be a part of your marketing strategy.
With that said, how often do you update your real estate blog?
[polldaddy poll=1692564]
I'm technically running four blogs at the moment. The one I voted on I'm blogging 7 days a week as an experiment. The other three…once a week or less. The daily one's a lot more fun. Hard to do that will all fourth though. 🙂 It's a Jon Morrow vs. Chris Brogan debate. After the results of a few years, I'll be on one of two sides of the fence. Until then…good times man.
It would be interesting to hear results in a month or two of doing it that way. I definitely think that more consistency = increased social sharing (RT's, etc.), increased subscribers and increased traffic.
The challenge is saying something worth reading whenever you publish something new of course.