I’m tired, I’ll go to the gym tomorrow.
My car needs an oil-change, I’ll do it tomorrow.
I’ll start writing that book I’ve always wanted to write tomorrow.
First I need to plan more, I’ll get started on launching my business tomorrow.
I’m not sure how to respond to this email, I’ll save it for now and get to it tomorrow.
My desk-space is messy, but I’m too busy, I’ll clean it tomorrow.
It’s been a long day, I’ll finish the rest of these Support Requests tomorrow.
It’s almost 5:00pm, I’ll follow up on that Sales lead tomorrow.
Every day we make excuses for something. It’s too late. I’m tired. I’m not ready. I don’t know what to say. “Tomorrow” becomes the next day, then the next day, then the next day.
If you’re going to do something, the best time to do it is NOW!
Lately I’ve noticed that I use work as an excuse/crutch. The reality is a lot of the work I could cut out, delegate, etc.
It’s easier to find time than we think… unless we like the excuse so we don’t have to try and possibly fail!
Ah, I can relate to that!
You know what works for me when I really need to buckle down? That silly little Timer that I talk about all the time. I set it for 12 minutes (if I’m writing) or 30 (if it’s something else), then I work straight through. Stop and think for 2 minutes, then reset and start again.
Totally helps me focus.
Just like when I used to run mileage for track and field (ugh, and I was a sprinter… so why did I have to do that? A story for another day…), it was all about creating mini finish lines. The next stop light, the next building, etc.
I’ve been doing that too (not with a timer, but that’s a great idea), and forcing deadlines less than 20 minutes away to ensure that I don’t dilly dally.
It’s definitely helped.
I dig the concept of “mini finish lines.” Haven’t quite heard it phrased that way…
I’m with you on this one. I had something that I had been meaning to do for awhile and finally did it yesterday. I created a mock up and wrote a detailed description of cool idea that I want to see added to Diverse Solutions. Then I emailed it to….
And you know, I like the idea. Can’t say for certain how long it would take to implement but we’re looking at it with interest 🙂
just wanted to make sure you got the email..
There’s no other way.
Trust me. There is NEVER a perfect time, so just seize the day. Seriously.
If you find that you don’t have time, then just cut out the stuff that doesn’t matter. We have time for social media and commenting on blogs (ha!) so, just get to work… 🙂
I once read a quote- that if you put something off and say you going to do something tomorrow, you will never do it. This is true, Whenever I say I will do it tomorrow, I never actually end up doing it. I need to stop procrastinating and do it. Thank you for posting this- very interesting. 🙂 Have a good day.
For me what is the biggest obstacle is that i had so many fails in my life (personal and professional) and now every time i push my self to do something NOW i always remember my failures and i loose any hope…
When you really think about it, tomorrow is actually today…when it happens…no wonder tomorrow never comes!
Words of wisdom!
Yep. Sometimes, we tend to put things off (procrastinate) when really, we could get it done right then and there (myself included). So this was in part written for me 🙂