Every time I speak at an event, people's biggest hesitation or frustration with implementing a lot of the things discussed, is that they don't know where to start. I hear things like: I don't know ...
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What Makes Up A Good About Page?
According to my site stats, my About page is the most visited page on my site. 14.7% of my site traffic navigates to my About page after landing somewhere on my site. That's great! To me, I see ...
Giving Livefyre a Test-Drive: what do you think?
When it comes to comment systems, I've always loved Disqus - it has all of the features that I like and need, mainly: Threaded comments, Reply/moderate by email function Today however, I'm ...
10 (Brief) Blogging Tips
Above all else, always write for your reader first. Write to be helpful (think "How To's" and educational posts). Keep it brief - have one main point and stick to it. Make it easy to read by ...
What They Didn’t Tell You About Blogs
"You should start a blog." That's the advice they tell you when you share your new business idea with someone. "It's easy" they say. And "you'll get tons of traffic." Here's what they don't ...
Where do you get your best writing done?
Some people are natural writers (Amber Avines, Chris Brogan, and Valeria Maltoni to name a few). Others have to force the words to come out (if even just a little). If you want to be a writer, you ...
Choosing a Keyword Domain vs. a Branded Domain
When you're starting a new blog, one of the biggest decisions you'll have to make is that of choosing an appropriate domain name. Truth be told, first impressions matter all the way down to something ...
Who’s Your Audience?
Marketing maven Chris Brogan has an excellent post today on writing content and knowing your audience. In it, he asks: Are you writing more for your buyers or more for your colleagues? And how does ...
The Science of Timing Webinar Recap
I think that attending conferences, reading industry related blogs (and magazines), and sitting in on webinars is a great way to stay on your A-Game when it comes to understanding marketing and ...
The One BIG Secret To Making Your Blog Work
Focus on what your customers/readers want to know, not what you want to tell them about your product/service. The first part of that sentence is useful. Useful is good. Think about how you respond ...
My Three Favorite Writing Tools
Do you ever sit down to write something only to end up blankly staring at your computer? Yeah, me too (don't you just love writer's block). Before you can get going, distraction kicks in. You open a ...
How To Write Good Blog Content
During this weekend's #blogchat, the conversation shifted around the following questions: What defines 'good content'? And... How do you write good content? Mack Collier already has a good ...