Real estate agents always ask me what WordPress theme I recommend. But choosing the right theme is a lot more than just picking something that looks nice. Choosing the right theme for your business ...
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5 Simple Ways To Get More People To Read Your Content
Tell me if this sounds familiar... You spend an entire day slaving over a blog post, you hit publish, and then... Nada. Nothing happens. No one is reading. No one is commenting. And no one is ...
What Nobody Ever Tells You About Blogging
This isn't by any means a complete list. Rather, just some observations on the things I wish I knew when I was just getting started. I'm sure you have a list of your own, so feel free to add to it in ...
The Quickest Way To Achieve Blogging Success
Just start. Write something. Anything. It doesn't have to be perfect. The point is to simply get your writing out there, period. It'll get better over time. Nobody starts of perfect. Not even ...
The One Thing You Need To Do To Guarantee Your Blog’s Success
Don't quit. The #1 reason most blogs fail is that people stop writing before they have a chance to get noticed. Why? Because writing is hard! Writing is hard work, not magic. It begins with ...
5 Blogging Lessons from the Big Lebowski
The Big Lebowski is a 1998 movie classic. It's a story about a case of mistaken identity, a kidnapping (or supposed kidnapping), a ransom exchange gone wrong and a whole lot of bowling. And drinking ...
6 Dumb Blogging Mistakes That Are Killing Your Credibility
Generally speaking, the more you write, the more traffic you get. After all, "Content is King," right? Now let's assume you're consistently writing high quality content for a specific audience ...
One BIG Secret To Making A Business Blog Work
Focus on what "customers" want to know and learn, not what you want to tell them about your product/business. The truth is, nobody cares how awesome your product/service is. They only care about how ...
5 Time Management Tips for Busy Bloggers
The success of any blog is dependent on your ability to develop fresh new content...consistently. Writing effectively and consistently, isn’t easy. But it doesn’t have to be difficult either. Most ...
7 Ways To Make Money From Your Blog
Some people blog for hobby. Others, for business. This post is for those that dream of monetizing their website by one form or another because if you're not in it as a hobby, let's face it... We all ...
4 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Start A Real Estate Blog
There are dozens of posts around the web that give you compelling reasons for why and how to start a blog. This isn't one of them. In fact, in this post, I aim to give you a few compelling ...
The $100 Sandbox
I often hear other Real Estate Agents talk about how difficult it is to set up a WordPress website. Their troubles are some variation of the following: They already have a WordPress website except ...