We’re half way through the new year (yep, time flies!). Now let me ask you, if you were to get a report card today for you blog, what would it look like? Would you have a “A+” for post frequency? A “B-” in writing good titles? A “C-” in SEO?
How would you even know what to look for in critiquing your own blog? What would you know to improve on?
Join Us!
…for 31 Days To Build A Better Blog.
It’s a 31 Day Challenge (put together by Darren Rowse) aimed at helping you improve your blog one day at a time. It’s a downloadable e-book filled with daily tasks and learning lessons for you to turn around and implement to improve your blog (and your marketing). Each day in the project contains:
- A Task – something for you to DO (implement) that day.
- Teaching – each day you’ll be given detailed instruction on both the WHY and the HOW of the task for that particular day.
Some people go through the entire list of exercises day by day. Others go over it one exercise per week. So on and so forth. Well, I thought I’d go over one exercise per day Monday thru Friday (unless you unanimously say otherwise). I’ll post and review a lesson here and review your completed exercises once you’re done. Together, we’ll help each other build a better (Real Estate?) blog.
Who Should Join?
A lot of the folks reading this blog are Real Estate Professionals and Small Business Owners. So, naturally, I’m going to tailor the lessons and examples towards you (this blog’s audience). If you’re in neither of these groups and care to join along anyway, by all means do (I’d love to have your perspective). We’ll kick things off on July 1st with lesson number one.
What does it cost to participate? Nothing! This is absolutely free and open to anyone who wants to join. All you need is to make a commitment to work hard and a willingness to help others as we go through the lessons in the book and offer constructive criticism to helps others improve. You don’t need to purchase the e-book if you don’t want to either, just subscribe below and you’ll get notified each day a new lesson is posted so that you can keep up. Simple as that
I recommend that you pick up a copy of the e-book so that you can follow along at your own pace and then check in here with the rest of us for daily lessons and exercises! Ultimately, this is a little group project, so I want you to come back and post links to what you’ve done in the comments so that the rest of the community and I can give you feedback
Lastly, I’ve created a little list here for you to get notified every time a new lesson goes up. Just punch in your name and email below and expect your first email/Action Item to go out July 1st:
So, what do you think? Are you up to the challenge?
Disclosure: I’m an affiliate in Darren’s 31 Days To Build A Better Blog which means every time you purchase a copy of the ebook above, I get a commission on the sale which helps fuel my book reading and coffee drinking habits. You don’t have to purchase them through my affiliate links if you don’t want to, just Google the e-book title and you’re set to go (no hard feelings). If you do purchase through the affiliate link, thank you
This scares me which typically means I should go for it!
Well, stop on by on Feb 1st and get ready to Rock-n-Roll or sign up on the email list to get notified of new lessons (all free, no spam)
I did this last year and loved it!
We have a good group forming so totally lookin' forward to it
Neat dude. I'm signed up. I need to get better at this.
Incidentally, how do you like Aweber? I'm thinking I may have to start using them instead of Feedburner. Bogging Tyrant's written a pretty compelling post on why Aweber is sooo much better than Feedburner. Are you changing email subscribers over to this too?
Hey Ricardo – Is it cool for a Title guy in PHX to take the challenge?
Absolutely amigo! I'll be pulling examples specific to Real Estate Agents sure, but it's not restricted to just Agents. And look at it this way, you can share what you pick up as “Marketing Tips” with the Agents YOU work with!
So hop on in…we get started tomorrow morning
Hi group here is my list post. Feedback is appreciated. Please don't hold back
I’m intrigued. Signing up because I’ve recently made it my goal to give my blog a bit of an overhaul.
Looking forward to July. Thanks for putting this on!
@RickManelius Hey Rick, no time like the present then
You can always come back here to post any questions or shoot me an email. I want to put the focus on people’s problem areas and have a way for you all to connect with one another.
New to blogging so I’m in…would love to learn from those who have been doing it and hopefully provide something worthwhile to everyone else involved in the challenge. Thanks for doing this! LET’S GO!!!
@jbledsoejr Ha, now you got me all pumped. AND I just had a Monster energy drink, lol.
I have a quick “House Keeping” update for everyone tomorrow. I’m thinking of creating a page with everyone’s blog url & Twitter handles so that they can easily follow each other. Other than that, as long as your ready to participate by completing the tasks or helping out another member, we’re ready to rock-n-roll this Friday!
@RicardoBueno I think that is an excellent idea! I’m ready!
I need this as a motivator to get back to my blogging and off of Twitter. Thank you!
I’ve got my stuff all over the place (see jh2fct) and I need to aggregate it to a single blog that I update regularly. I just need the focus. July is a good time to start.
@jeanettejoy Look forward to having you on Jeanette!
@JamesHerbert Oh, we’ll get you focused alright
We’re kicking things off in two days!
@jeanettejoy Ah well, perfect timing… We kick off in two days! Glad to have you Jeannette
@JamesHerbert Hey James, no time like the present. We have a pretty solid group formed so I don’t doubt we’ll be able to help you get focused. We start on Friday!
Looking forward to building a better blog and also increasing traffice for our small business blog! No time like the present!
Looking forward to learning how to build a better blog!
I’ll be launching my blog on the 8th (can’t get it up any sooner), but I think I’ll buy the e-book! (although joining as a group might be a bit more motivating!) Is there any way you’ll do this again?
@Trishna E. Nazareth Great to have you on-board Trishna! One day to go
@me_and_myego Not sure if we’ll do it again, but every post will be in a “31 Day Challenge” category, so if you’re subscribed, you can always dig back through the emails and posts as they’ll be marked Day 1, Day 2, etc.
If you’re launching on the 8th, no worries. You can always write your posts in a text doc and publish them on your new site when it’s ready
And it’s always neat to get some insights from what others are doing along the way too! Look forward to seeing you 
I’m up for the 31 day blog challenge! I’ve had my blog up for several months now. I love to write and share my thoughts and stories. I’d like to be more consistent and have more readers. I have been “going with the flow” on this one, and could use some clear direction.
@Newmomwithteens Nothing wrong with “going with the flow.” It good when you don’t force it sometimes, ya know?
In any case, we have a solid group formed here so you’ll have tons of interaction and feedback to work with